Student Loan Defense
Are you being sued for student loans you're unable to pay back? With the never ending yearly increase in tuition this has become a serious problem for many student throughout the country. An experienced Miami student loan lawyer can help you.
Private Student Loans vs. Federal Student Loans
If you have private student loans, the debt is treated similar to credit card debt. The student loan holder will have to sue you to recover any funds they claim you owe. You'll have an opportunity to defend yourself and raise numerous defenses. When it comes to Federal Student loans you are in a much tougher position. The Government has numerous options such as garnishments, seizing tax refunds, and stopping certain federal benefits from going to you.
Our Office Can Help
The Law Offices of Shaya Markovic, P.A. is a Hollywood, Florida student loan defense lawyer helping consumers defend their student loan debt throughout the Miami area. We aggressively fight student loan debt lawsuits. The largest company being National Collegiate Student Loan Trust. However there are many more, including federal and private student loan companies.
Some of the names you may come across are Navient, National Collegiate Student Loan Trust, Bank of America, and other debt collectors who purchased your student loans. If you have been sued on South Florida for a student loan call a student loan defense lawyer. The Law Offices of Shaya Markovic, PA can help fight your lawsuit and can be reached at (786) 529-2176 for a free consultation with one of our lawyers.