Debt Harassment

Debt Harassment

I Sue Debt Collectors!  No Fee unless we recover money for you!  Call now for a free consultation! We handle cases throughout Florida.


South Florida debt collects use many different tactics when collecting debts.  Unfortunately, many times their tactics may violate laws created to protect consumers from harassment by debt collectors.  There are two many statutes used to protect consumers.  The first is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the other is Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA).  

Common types of harassment 

  • misrepresentation of the debt
  • using profanities
  • Informing anyone else that they are trying to collect a debt
  • calling for 8:00AM or after 9:00PM
  • Statute of Limitation violation
  • lying or using deception regarding the debt
  • suing you in a county you don't live or not where you entered into the debt agreement
  • threaten to arrest you, threaten violence or threaten any act the collector isn't legally able to do

These are a few of the many different ways a debt collector may violate the law when collecting a debt.  To fully understand your rights contact our office for a free consultation.  The Law Office of Shaya Markovic will take these cases on a contingency bases so there is no fee unless we get money for you!  If you feel you may be a victim of debt harassment call my office now.