Credit Card Lawsuit Defense
Have You Been Sued By a Debt Collector or a Credit Card Company?
You're not alone. The Law Offices of Shaya Markovic is a Florida debt defense law firm fighting for consumers that have been sued for a South Florida debt. Many times the debt arises from a credit card. Our office is committed to defending consumers from debt collectors, credit card companies and their attorneys. Our office provides aggressive legal representation at affordable fees for consumers.
Why Choose Our Office To Fight Your Lawsuit?
- Payments Plans
- Low Flat Fees
- Aggressive Defense
- Free Consultations
South Florida Debt Harassment
My office also represent individuals that are being harassed for a South Florida debt. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Florida Consumer Collections Practices Act prohibits debt collectors from taking certain actions when collecting a debt. Prohibited actions include harassment and abusive practices. Our office handles debt collection cases on a contingency basis and will fight aggressively to protect your rights! Click here for more information on South Florida Debt Defense.
"I've Received a South Florida Lawsuit, What Now"?
Relax and stay calm. Contact our office to receive a free consultation on how our office can help defend your case. You only have a small amount of time to to reply to a lawsuit before the collection company can get a default judgment against you. Our office will review your case free of charge and determine the best option to proceed in your case.
"Can I Fight The Lawsuit Even If I Used The Account"?
Yes! There are many defenses that are available to you and my office evaluates your case for each and every defense. Remember, it's the credit card company's and debt collector's obligation to prove their case. Our office aggressively fights for consumers and always seeks the best outcome possible. We seek first for grounds for dismissal and if that's not possible then we seek to settle the case.
Get An Experienced Attorney To Fight For You!
The Law Offices of Shaya Markovic, PA is a Hollywood, Florida debt lawsuit defense law firm fighting for consumers sued by Miami debt collection companies. We aggressively fight debt collectors, credit card companies, Student Loan collections, medical debt and any other type of debt lawsuit you may have. We represent individuals throughout South Florida, provide free consultations, payments plans and flat fees. Call our office now so we can fight for you at (786)529-2176